Posts in Art
Tucker Joenz

Many a musician has been immortalized in time with a photo, but what is often not realized is that the true artist in such instances is unseen. It is in fact, the one behind the lens. Tucker Joenz is such an artist. He is a creator with a list of talents that include: Photographer, Film Maker, Developer, Motion Graphics, Designer and Illustrator. That first one is what many of us know him for. While he works in many areas of photography, Tucker has a true love for capturing musicians. His work has put him backstage, in the pit and on tour with bands like Pepper. Narrow itself has benefitted many times from his work as several of his photos have graced our pages. Tucker also has a heart for community and is often working with musicians and different artistic projects in the local area of St. Augustine since moving here 7 years ago. With this community spirit, STArt Now and Tucker have found an organic partnership. His work has been on display at pop up events and he himself has been the photographer of choice many times. With his support and great talent it is no surprise Tucker Joenz has become the main and most referred photographer for STArt Now.

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Angie Edginton

Angie Edginton may be a familiar name around town, but if you don’t know her for her art then you should.  Her style is completely unique and mind blowing, and it is this quality that drew STArt Now to her. Angie first started sketching when she was blank and came back to it later in life.  Her portraits are a blend of styles that create an undeniable realistic piece of art. When she was ready to branch out into incorporating color and pastels STArt Now was there to provide her with the tools she needed to keep creating her beautiful art.  Her work is displayed primarily at The Lovely Pearl, but you can also check her work out at blank. 

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