Conor Bertha Solo Debut


For anyone that follows the North Florida music scene the name Flo.Wav should be pretty well known. Made up of Dylan Parra and Conor Bertha, the hip hop duo from Palm Coast have cultivated a strong following born out of talented writing, hard work, and intoxicating live performances. Recently one half of the duo took a step on his own with his solo debut.

Conor Bertha’s single “Fade” was recently released under the moniker CØNØR. When asked what led to the solo work Bertha stated, “I had a lot of time to myself so I was just creating a bunch of music.” Time used wisely it seems as Bertha’s debut is a smooth delivery of great depth in 2 minute 20 second audio. Where flo.wav fans know his verses as strong mic drops dancing well with Parra’s singing, this outing shows the MCs softer side. Content for the track seems to be about life, death and those we leave behind. This is based on my own interpretation from multiple plays. When asked if he wanted to give insight Bertha said “To be real I gotta just let this one speak for itself.” No boxing in his art here.


“Fade” is getting some great buzz despite not being able to perform and promote live this year. “It’s a little weird, as an artist your social media game had to step up. I’m an old school face to face type dude so it was definitely a challenge not being able to promote naturally like that.” Bertha may have found promoting during the Covid times a challenge, but it is one he seems to have risen to well. The popularity of the track also speaks to the community of fans that Bertha and Parra have created over the years, a fan base that is committed to getting their music out there. 

Another piece of the promo puzzle is a visualizer on YouTube for the track from Bad Cloud Media, a video company Bertha is well familiar with from Flo.Wav projects. This seemingly simple visual tool is a great addition to the song. It portrays Bertha sitting on a bed smoking. As the song begins he exhales smoke that slowly fades as the track continues. The combination of these two mediums really gets you in the feels.

This is not it for him either as Bertha is staying busy with his own works, and still hard at it with his partner in crime. “I got some more solo joints coming out, and Flo.Wav has been steady grinding hard as well. We've been collaborating with a lot more artists and I’m super stoked on the scene right now.”

We are stoked too for what else is to come from CØNØR. For now be sure to check out “Fade” on YouTube and as of 12/4 wherever you stream music.

Tucker Joenz