Everclear/Wheatus captured live @ High Dive, 10/7/21
Photos and commentary by Jeremy McGuire
Everclear’s Art Alexakis
A couple of weeks ago, this surprise show was announced and I immediately made plans to go. I’m a big 90’s alternative fan so this lineup was right up my alley. I was not alone. High Dive was absolutely packed.
Everclear, the headliner, came out and was totally on point. The vocalist, Art Alexakis, even mentioned being happy to be up there on stage with his best friends after all these years.
Both bands were on top of their game even on this random weekday night in a small town like Gainesville.
The opener, Wheatus, completely killed it with their singer’s amazing charisma and the absolute joy you could see on every member’s face. You could tell they were still excited to be on stage.