Meet the Steensons

Meet the Steensons

by Adriana Cabezas

Meet the Steensons—three siblings that have taken their love for one another and for music to another level and are planning on recording an album together.

Dominic, 19, Gideon, 13, and Sasha, 12, Steenson have been making music since they can remember. Their mother, Amy, pushed them to learn the piano from a very young age, “[Music] was the number one thing in my life forever,” she said. “That was a no brainer, I knew they were going to all play at least one instrument.”

Today, they all sing, write songs and they play multiple instruments each.

Sasha, the youngest, is the one that plays the most instruments. She started learning piano when she was just 1 year old. Now, she also plays the guitar, bass, ukulele, drums and flute.

“They used to have [instrument] instructors for a little while, but then they just took off on their own,” said mom, Amy. Most of what they know they have taught themselves or they have learned by teaching each other and watching each other play.

For the Steensons, music is more than just a hobby—it’s a way of life. They say it is the reason they have become closer. “I do not know of any sibling group that gets along as well as these guys,” said Amy. “Music is magic, it’s stress relief, it makes you happy and it brings people together.”

For Gideon, music is what makes him feel better, “Every time I feel down, I just play music and it just picks me right up.”

For Dominic, being shy and introverted, it has been an outlet, “You can express yourself, whatever emotions you are feeling, you can put that into the song you are playing. Whenever I’m performing onstage. When I’m playing music in general, I’m just a whole different person in terms of my level of confidence. Music has really helped me.”
Now that they are getting older, they are planning on recording an album together soon.

Sasha mentions they already have a couple of songs they are going to record together.

“[Music] is something that we enjoy doing and that we enjoy doing together,” said Dominic. “Anything I’ve ever done creatively I do just because I don’t want to look back and say, ‘I should have done that.’ So, recording together is just something we need to do.”

Dominic feels he has a special bond with his siblings because they have grown up playing music together, “I feel like there’s a special connection you can have with another musician that’s unlike anything else, it’s something that is very hard to find.”

The Steensons want to motive everyone to incorporate music to their lives. “You don’t need to be a superstar for music to add to your life,” they said. “Music will make anyone better, just by having a creative outlet, that stress relief and something to share with other people.”
