Soundtrack of Your Life


By Cameron Gurganeus

Our friends at Soul Talk Magazine invited Narrow to participate in a press conference with a young singer-songwriter they are very excited about. Ellie Williams is a bright new artist who has landed herself all the way from Kansas to the City of Angels. This 19-year-old singer and songwriter has created such a strong connection with her listeners by incorporating her acoustic sound and bubbly personality within her work. After producing her first full-length album, Act My Age, she has released four singles, with the latest being “Clueless.” She is even in the process of writing her second album which has been long awaited.

Coming into this competitive scene where it can be overwhelming for anyone, Ellie shares some words of wisdom for those who want to follow in her footsteps.

“You’re so valid in feeling scared. The idea of exposing yourself through your own music and being super vulnerable is so terrifying. Letting your voice be heard and sharing your experiences does a lot more good than living in fear of breaking that wall.”

In a musical world full of men, Ellie does not let that hold her back from standing her ground. Growing up with few female creatives to look up to, she strives to make a difference in the community. Lifting up other women and encouraging one another to not give up on their dreams is something that the artist tries to focus on.

“The music industry as a whole is very male dominated; I’ve become comfortable being the only woman in the room. I feel fortunate to have met these kick-ass women in music, and I think being able to connect with these other women and to create rooms that are mostly women making music is so important.”

At the end of the day, Ellie keeps her head up knowing that she and other powerful women can develop a change in the direction music is taking. She explains that you shouldn’t get discouraged when men brush off your talent or your skill; just take everything with a grain of salt.

“Know your worth; know the music you are making and know you have something to bring to the table. You have this unique perspective that no one else has, and no one else will ever have.”

Ellie’s aspirations for the future consist of taking advantage of every opportunity, with one of her dreams being to perform with her idol, Alessia Cara. Her mindset has now shifted to making music professionally, and moving her entire life to L.A. has pushed her to be more driven and work harder.

“It has motivated me to meet as many new people as I can and collaborate with as many people as I can,” she said.

The artist has several hobbies she tends to stick by when she is going through a rut of not knowing what to write. Her process involves watching movies and getting inspired by the plots or characters. Reading poetry, using a pocket dictionary for word association and journaling gets her ideas flowing to make her beloved, authentic songs.

Ellie Williams’ eccentric and down-to-earth vibes are going to take her far in the music world. With so many exciting plans down the road, there is no doubt she will make every female creator proud in the work she puts out.

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Tucker Joenz